Troubleshooting SymptomSuspect AreaRemedy (Refer to page)Water leaks from sunroofDeteriorated roof lid weatherstripReplaceExcessive roof lid-to-body clearance and improperly fitted weatherstripAdjustWind ...
General 1. Basically, all measurements in this manual are taken with a tracking gauge. 2. When a measuring tape is used, check to be sure there is no elongation, twisting or bending. 3. For measuring dimensions, ...
OBD-II review 1. Overview The California Air Resources Board (CARB) began regulation of On Board Diagnostics (OBD) for vehicles sold in California beginning with the 1988 model year. The first phase, OBD-I, required monitoring of the fuel metering system, Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system and additional ...
Fail-Safe Mode ItemFail-SafeETC MotorThrottle valve stuck at 5°TPSTPS 1 faultReplace it with TPS 2TPS 2 faultReplace it with TPS 1TPS 1,2 faultThrottle valve stuck at 5°APSAPS 1 faultReplace it with APS 2APS 2 faultReplace it with APS 1APS 1,2 faultThrottle valve stuck at 5° When throttle ...