Circuit Diagram |
Specification [Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)] Throttle Angle(°)Output Voltage(V)TPS1TPS200.05.0100.484.52200.954.05301.433.57401.903.10502.382.62602.862.14703.331.67803.811.19904.290.711004.760.241055.00C.T ...
Inspection Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) 1. Connect the GDS on the Data Link Connector (DLC). 2. Start the engine and measure the output voltage of TPS 1 and 2 at C.T. and W.O.T. Throttle AngleOutput ...
Removal 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable, and wait for at least three minutes before beginning work. 2. To remove the seat belt anchor pretensioner (C), keep on pushing the lock pin (A) as arrow direction. And then remove the seat belt after pushing the lock pin (B). 3. Remove the door scuff ...
Personal Protective Equipment NameIllustrationDescriptionInsulation gloveUsed when inspecting or working on the high voltage components[Insulation performance : 1000V / 300A or above]Insulation shoesUsed when inspecting or working on the high voltage componentsInsulation clothesInsulation helmetSafety ...