Since hybrid vehicles contain a high voltage battery, if the
high voltage system or vehicles are handled incorrectly, this might lead
to a serious accidents like electric shock and electric leakage.
Be sure to shut off the high voltage by removing the safety
plug before performing inspection or repairing the high voltage
system.(Refer to “High Voltage Shut-off Procedures”)
The responsible worker keeps the removed safety plug to prevent the plug from being connected by mistake.
Do not keep any metal objects (watch, ring etc.) while
working on the high voltage system, which it can cause serious accidents
like electric shock.
Before beginning work on the high voltage system, the worker
should wear personal protective equipment to prevent safety accidents.
(Refer to “Personal Protective Equipment”)
Never allow workers who are not wear personal protective
equipment to touch the high voltage system. High voltage components
should be covered with an insulation sheet to prevent safety accidents.
Use insulation tools when working on the high voltage system.
Put the removed high voltage components on the insulation mat.
All the high voltage wiring and connectors are orange.
A caution label for high voltage is attached to the high voltage components.
High voltage components: High Voltage Battery Pack Assembly,
Power Relay Assembly (PRA), BMS ECU, Hybrid Power Control Unit (HPCU),
Hybrid Drive Motor, HSG, Electric A/C Compressor, Low DC/DC Converter
(LDC), Power Cable, Electric Compressor etc.
Use Mega Ohm Tester when measuring insulation resistance of the high voltage system.
Specification : High Impendance Digital Volt / Ohm Meter (DVOM) "Category 3"
Leads and Meter rated to 1,000 voltage.
Inform of danger of high voltage by putting the “high voltage caution” on the vehicle as image below.
Be sure to shut off the high voltage circuit shown in the
procedures below before working on any high voltage system component
(Refer to "High Voltage Shutoff Procedure" for more detailed
1) Turn the ignition switch off and disconnect the auxiliary 12V battery negative (-) cable.
2) Remove the safety plug
(Turning the ignition switch ON with the safety plug removed may damage the hybrid control system).
3) Wait for more than 5 minutes so that the capacitor in the high voltage system can be naturally discharged.
4) Remove the rear seat and partition tray trim (Refer to “Seat” in BD group).
5) Remove the high voltage front cover (A).
Measure the voltage between the inverter positive and negative power cable terminals.
Below 30V: High voltage circuit properly shut
More than 30V: High voltage circuit faulty
Be sure to follow instructions below when repairing the high voltage cable
Check the voltage of the high voltage connector, terminal or busbar before repairing
Below 30V: High voltage circuit properly shut
More than 30V: High voltage circuit faulty
Be careful not to short circuit between positive (+) and negative (-) terminals.
Insulate the high voltage connector or terminal with an insulation tape after disconnecting
Tighten the high voltage terminal with the specified torque.
The high voltage battery must be always handled horizontally during repairing or storage.
Otherwise, there may be decline in battery performance or its life may be shortened.
Exposing the high voltage battery to intense heat may cause deterioration.
Do not bake over 70°C (158°F) / 30 min or 80°C (176°F) / 20 min when painting.
Personal Protective Equipment
Insulation glove
Used when inspecting or working on the high voltage components [Insulation performance : 1000V / 300A or above]
Insulation shoes
Used when inspecting or working on the high voltage components
Insulation clothes
Insulation helmet
Safety glasses
Used in the case below • During Removal & installation or inspection of the high voltage battery terminals or wiring, which spark might happen. • During working on the high voltage battery pack assembly.
Face shield
Insulation mat
Putting the removed high voltage components on the insulation mat to prevent safety accidents.
Insulation sheet
the high voltage components with insulation sheet to prevent people who
don’t wear the personal protective equipment from safety accidents.
Since the electric compressor uses high-voltage, you should use POE oil which have high Volumetric Resistivity.
Do not use the same A/C recovery / charging station as conventional belt-driven compressors.
If the POE oil of the system gets mixed with PAG oil, then
dielectric breakdown due to decreased volumetric Resistivity can occur
and inoperative A/C compressor may result, A/C compressor may not work.
High Voltage Shut-off Procedures Be sure to read and follow the “General Safety Information and Caution” before doing any work related with the high voltage system. Failure to follow ...