Components |
1. Air duct 2. Cover 3. Actuator assembly 4. Loader | 5. Flaps 6. Link 7. Housing |
Description The AAF (Active Air Flap) is located between radiator grille and radiator, and consists of an actuator and 6 air flaps. The system receives information from EMS, FATC, TCU, MCU and LDC via ...
Schematic Diagram Circuit Diagram ...
Component Location 1. Rear defogger relay2. EWP relay3. Deicer relay4. ACC realy5. IG1 relay6. IG2 relay7. Wiper relay8. Rain sensor relay9. Burglar alarm horn relay10. Blower relay11. Fuel pump relay12. Horn relay13. Egnine control relay ...
Troubleshooting Vehicle inspection SYMPTOM CHART SymptomSuspect AreaRemedy (See page)Squeak or grunt-noise from the front suspension, occurs more in cold ambient temperatures-more noticeable over rough roads or when turningFront stabilizer barUnder these conditions, the noise is acceptable.Clunk-noise ...